
Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Little Professor

Ms. Linda is Arthur's teacher at Roger's ABC Happy Kids. She was almost in tears when she learned that Arthur would be transferred to Helen Walton Day Care Center. "He'll be a professor when he is 3 years old." She said.

Helen Walton Day Care was set up by Sam Walton's wife and has been a highly regarded and accountable place for infant and pre-school care. When we picked up the kids last Friday, I saw Ms. Linda's comment on Arthur's Daily Activity Sheet, "I'll miss my little professor."

It breaks my heart to have to move the children to another school since they just got used to the current one. However, it's for their best interest and my best interest. I cannot have any more speeding ticket in the mornings and cannot waste time in traffic court or traffic schools any more.

Arthur had had his first taste of icecream in the past weekend and apparently was very fond of it. Although we should not give him any citrus, I still let him lick the orange cone we got from Braum's. At least I didn't give him true ice cream with dairy in it. That would be devastating.


Saturday, August 29, 2009







Saturday, August 22, 2009

Selling the House

We got an offer on our house yesterday and we countered back. The buyer has signed the contract today. Now we're selling the house at $18,000 below the price we bought at. In today's market with the double digit unemployment rate, I am not too upset about it.

We have to go through inspection and then seal the deal. I don't think I'll pay for anything if the buyer finds out a list of things of the house that need to be fixed. They've already got a sweet deal and if they don't want to invest any more money, we'll just break the deal.

I feel like part of me has gone blank. After the house is closed, which will be at the end of September, if the buyer has no problem getting the loan, we totally cut our connection with the state of Colorado. Arkansas will be our permanent and only home going forward. If I ever get laid off again, the same amount of money will last us longer in Arkansas as the day care and housing is cheaper.

I'm taking Dale Carnegie class at the moment for 12 weeks. We meet every Monday evening for 4 hours. I am learning a lot about confidence, communication, public speaking and managing stress.


Sunday, August 02, 2009





