
Thursday, February 28, 2008

奈良-Japan Trip Day 3 (Feb 18th, 2008)



出来之后在一个叫食堂的地方吃了午饭。这里所有的菜都是自己拿,拿齐后付钱,省去了讲日语的麻烦。日语已经忘了不少,主要是词汇都不记得了,毕竟已经有十年没有去日本了。 等我们拖拖拉拉终于在奈良站下了车,已经下午两点多了。带孩子出门旅游可不是一件轻松的事。


东大寺里里外外都是鹿,人称鹿先生。他们不光愿意和人亲近,还会鞠躬呢。想不到日本的鹿都会鞠躬了,真是礼仪之邦呀。寺外是很多卖鹿食的小摊。 我们什么也没有买。 Biajee抱着孩子背着包,我拿着相机。手不够用了。有一位鹿先生冲我们鞠了十几个躬,也没讨到吃的,我们也有点过意不去,就让阿诺和他亲热了一下。


大佛殿门口有一个木佛,能医百病,据说你身体的什么地方有病,就触摸一下木佛身体的对应部位,包治。由于木佛太大太高了,我只摸了他的脚,希望可以不得脚气了。还可以把心愿写在纸条上卷起来系在栏杆上,求佛祖帮忙实现。 这个我们就没有做了。佛祖很忙,不应该为脚气以外的事骚扰他老人家。大佛很壮观,他坐的莲花瓣可以给我当床了。Biajee 给我照了莲花瓣的相,以资纪念。东大寺很好玩,值得一去。



Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Arriving at Hotel - Japan Trip Day 2 (Feb 17th, 2008)

We lost one day flying to Asia. Our plane landed in Osaka on Sunday evening. We claimed our bags and went to exchange our JR pass. We found out that you could buy JR pass at the station with your passport and short stay visa. Who told us it could only be purchased from outside the country? We paid an extra $15 for FEDEX 2nd day delivery! I suggest everyone buy JR pass after you enter the country.

The fast train to Tennoji was gorgeous. All the seats were turned around facing the right direction while attendants were cleaning the train for our boarding. Biajee and I thought that was the most amazing thing. We hadn't seen a single train in this world with turnable seats before.

Our room in Hotel Chuo was nice and spacious. We went to the local sushi bar after checking in. Nobody spoke any English, but they could say "Thank You" in Chinese. We pointed to the fish and shrimps we'd like to order. Everything was delicious. We've explored all kinds of fish for dinner. In US, we were only tricked into Salmon and Tuna. How sad is that!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

王渤-Japan Trip Day 1 (Feb 16th, 2008)

(If you are going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you are going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentleman there)
-- From "San Francisco" by Scott McKenzie

我们行程的第一站是旧金山,在这里转机去大阪。在丹佛机场,Biajee, 阿诺和我分别去洗手间,准备登机。蓦然间,我看到一个熟悉的身影,却不敢确认。 那是不是王渤?我有种预感:他也许会和我们同乘一架飞机。






Wednesday, February 13, 2008

MacBook Air

We looked at MacBook Air in the Apple Store on Monday. It's the coolest laptop I've ever seen because it finally matches what I have in dream - thin. Laptop should be thin and light in my mind. This new MacBook Air matches everything I expect about a laptop. However, we still won't purchase it.

We've had too many problems with Macintosh products. Both iPods have battery problems. The iMac was broken. Nobody knows what's wrong with it. After Biajee installed the new power unit, it still wouldn't work. Biajee is thinking of taking it apart and selling the parts on eBay to recover some cost.

I found that I had to wear bigger size of sports bras last night. We bought a sports bra for me when I was still pregnant, thinking that I would need to wear it after labor. -- All these crazy ideas come from different books and classes. Biajee and I were very good students. We took notes and went shopping for all the suggested items. Then it happened that I had to wear nursing bras for over a year. My suggestions to nursing moms are: don't waste money on sports bras before and when you're nursing.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Biajee claimed over $100's cash from Costco today. It's the rebate money for year 2007. He is quite excited about that. Last night he got a $5 cash in a mail from a survey institute asking him to finish a survey. I had to admit he's the real money maker.

My hair dresser has moved to a new salon and of course she brought me along with her. I scheduled an appointment in March, hopefully it's going to be cheaper or the same price as what I'm paying now.

I just realized that my company has banned Victoria's Secret's website because it may offend some people. I spotted a tank top there the other day. I had always wanted to buy it since I started nursing. Well, I couldn't wear it for at least a year when I was nursing. Now it's the perfect time to get it.

I used to subscribe to the Victoria's Secret monthly catalog and have it delivered to my company. It used to be delivered to my previous boss' mailbox. The admin assistant used to scream at him, "My Gosh, I didn't know you have a dark side as well!"

"No. It's Pei's, not mine." He tried to explain.


Monday, February 11, 2008








Friday, February 08, 2008


I've promised to watch the twins for a coworker for an hour this weekend. Her husband was sent to Iraq. I studied the map today and found that it's an hour's drive from my house to her house. Why haven't I looked before I committed? Well, I think I made the promise before she moved to Highlands Ranch.

We have a Chinese New Year Party tomorrow night. Then we'll continue to fix friend's computer on Sunday.

We have been worn out for the whole week. Biajee kept complaining how people found out that he could repair computers. It is the dirtiest job in this world, but someone has to do it.

"Why don't they ask me to fix computers?" I said. "I could do an equally nice job."

"Most people think women are not capable of such things." Biajee replied. "You won't find a woman to repair the car if there is a problem. And you seldom look for a male nurse when you need medical help."

Thursday, February 07, 2008



Biajee 说这是奥林匹克比赛用的型号,有七尺长。奥林匹克的杠铃比我还高,不会吧。我愁眉苦脸地对Biajee说,“要不现在就退了吧,我可没打算在家练这玩意儿,随便抡几下没准儿房子就塌了。”


一路上我喋喋不休地说这根杠太长了,从车尾一直伸到第二排座位。BIAJEE 终于说,“那好吧,明天退。”





Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Chinese New Year's Eve

Today is Chinese New Year's Eve. The good thing is that I don't get a lot of email or work from Asia. Everyone is celebrating the Year of Rat over there.

We're going to our friend's house for dinner tonight. Of course, we'll fix her computer in the mean time. It got infected by a lot of viruses. I think the best thing to do it so reinstall the operating system. Biajee won't agree with that. He always tries to kill the virus first just because he doesn't want to spend the time reinstalling everything.

We don't like Windows Vista. It's always dead when I try to open Internet Explorer. We start to use Mozzilla when we're home. I really don't care which software or OS I use. I want something that works. We're beyond the stage of flirting with the computer system. It's just a tool to get the job done.

I still don't understand why other people get viruses. I seldom get anything. What websites are they all visiting? The only time I got a serious infection was by WORM when I lived in Florida. I had to format the hard drive and rewrite my resume, which almost broke my heart.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


昨天才知道,原来Biajee吃的药叫做头孢拉定胶囊。 Biajee说其别名叫做“先锋六号”,对治疗淋病亦有一定作用。我随便看了一下包装盒,才发现此药在2006年1月1日已经过期。Biajee 已经连吃了3天过期两年的药了,怪不得他的病总也不好。

Biajee仍然很得意,津津有味地吃着头孢拉定胶囊, 还说自己的病好了多亏了过期药。大概男人都是这样子吧。



Friday, February 01, 2008

NY Giants

NY Giants won the Super Bowl game against New England Patriots last night by 17 vs 14. It was a great game. Biajee cheered for the Giants because he didn't want New England to win both baseball and football this year.

I cooked and watched Arnold most of the time, but was still able to catch the touchdowns. Giants played really well. We like Manning a lot. They deserve the championship. Tom Brady is too arrogant. Patriots is destined to fail.

Biajee has been sick all weekend. He is taking some weird antibiotics brought from China without any doctor's prescriptions. He had fevers and headaches yesterday. Hopefully he won't give it to Arnold.

We went skiing on Saturday, but Biajee couldn't ski because he wasn't feeling well. We left home before 7 am but still got to the mountains around 10 am. We should have left around 6 am to beat the traffic. I-70 is a ridiculous road during ski season.