
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Washing Machine

Our washing machine has not been working properly for a few weeks. I called National Home Center, where it was purchased and the technician came to fix it today.

So far he has identified the problem. There was a plastic filter prior to the drain pump filled up by Arnold's socks, hairpins he brought from school, rockets from his transformer, etc. The socks smelled quite moldy already. These things were stuck there, causing the drain pump not able to pump water out, resulting in failure of spinning.

Right now, Brandon, the technician, is trying to put everything back in place. He said this was a main problem of the front load washers. Although front load saves water in comparison to top load washing machines, you may run into such technical problems.

The way to avoid this is to put all the little stuff into a wash bag and put it into the washer as a whole. I need to stop by Walmart today to get it before we can do laundry again. In other words, this would never have happened if had not had babies. So a tip for all our friends who have babies: use wash bag for baby stuff.


Sunday, June 20, 2010



11:45准时登车,发现头等的座位其实就是一些单人沙发,未必舒服,还是普客好.12:00 整火车出发.网站上说这班车要去番布伦市,来回一趟就奔晚上7点了.实际上我们3:30左右就回来了.中途经过了一个叫做文思录的地方,有一个1700尺的隧道.过了隧道之后就找机会将车头调至车尾,往回开了.





Saturday, June 05, 2010

James at the Mill

Biajee received the offer from Walmart on June 2nd. He'll start the new job on June 14th. We went to James at the Mill on the night of June 2nd to celebrate.

James at the Mill is a restaurant with a long history. It's located in Fayetteville, but you actually exit at #62 on I-540 south to get there. It's a location that I used to eat a lot at years ago when I worked for a Walmart vendor.

The restaurant belongs to a hotel. There is a huge wooden mill outside erected in the 1900s. The pond and little waterfall are very entertaining to Arnold. Lots of fish are swimming in the pond, reminding us of West Lake in Hangzhou, China. We fed some leftover dinner bread to the fish there afterwards.

I ordered white Zinfindal for us. It's sort of a cheap white wine, but tastes very good and sweet. We had house salad, crab cake and a full rack of baby back ribs for dinner. Biajee was able to finish most of the ribs. The flavor was phenomenal. Dessert was most impressive. We had chocolate pyramid with raspberry sherbet and vanilla icecream, sided with fresh strawberries and pineapple.

I started a weight loss program the next day. The shirts I ordered from Ann Taylor arrived yesterday. They are all size 00 and fit me beautifully. The only disappointing thing was I paid for shipping when I ordered and now they started a Free Shipping with Orders over $150 special again. If you are a fan of Ann Taylor, I strongly recommend ordering clothes on line now. Size 00 is not carried in stores and is sold exclusively on line.
