
Thursday, October 30, 2008








Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I found out last night that my score of the exam was adjusted to 99 because the professor didn't want to curve. He had to grant credits to four questions with different answers because the questions themselves are not that clear. 

It was such a relief because I was quite disappointed, thinking that I only got a 93 after studying hard. Obviously I wasn’t made to do accounting this life. There were even classmates complaining that the exam was too hard. I didn’t know what to say in return.

This certainly proves the point that Arnold needs to go to a good college like Harvard in future, otherwise he’ll be hanging out with some mediocre lazy students who have no motivation for studying. Obviously professors couldn’t extrapolate the class and materials when they have pressure of letting people fail or pass on the simplest definition problems.

We watched the first half of American Werewolf in London last night, a very old movie, but pretty interesting. Then we decided to go to bed and let Biajee check online to figure out what the end result of the werewolf was.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


我们看完了两部《狄仁杰探案传奇》,终于丧失了人生目标。这两部破案的电视剧拍得相当不错。好的推理故事凶手和坏蛋都是在一开始出现的,这样观众才能运用大脑,和破案者一起分析,最后印证自己的推论的正确性。故事里的狄仁杰胖胖的,充满智慧,当然还有武林高手保护他。总之情节非常扣人心弦,是央视热播的电视剧中较好的一部。 听说还有第三部,不过爸爸还没给我们买,而且据说没有前两部好看。




Monday, October 27, 2008

Baseball World Series

This year the World Series is between Tampa Bay and Philadelphia Phillies. Biajee and I decided to root for Tampa Bay, but then found out the Phillies played much better. It's almost a rule that the team with the red outfit will win, as was the case last year.

The outfit of Tampa Bay is quite similar to that of Colorado Rockies, which led them to destined loss. Biajee and I watched Game 3 on Saturday night. Well, I slept through most of it since it was 3 hours and 41 minutes long. Can't believe it was played till 1 am in the morning. The poor Tampa Bay players must have been frozen to death in the cold weather.

I am not a big baseball fan, but when I suggested to Biajee that we watch some horror movies to celebrate Halloween, he decided that he was a solid baseball fan and needed to follow the World Series. He is fearful of horror movies. He is more afraid that I get afraid during the movies and start screaming. Thus, we haven't watched any horror movies this year. I tried to watch Halloween on Friday night before Biajee and Arnold got home. It was shot 30 years ago and Jamie Lee Curtis was in it. Of course I wasn't able to finish because the father and son came home with their huge load of supper groceries.


Friday, October 24, 2008



1。 你的公司准备扩建,决定买新的厂房,所以需要付首付和按揭,计算每个月应付多少按揭付款应用以下何种公式:
A. FV B. Payment C. Nested IIF Function D. PV

2. 计算净利润的公式为:销售-进货价格。未来的净利润将比现在高2%。你的表格名称是利润,你键入的未来利润的公式为:[利润]!销售-[利润]!进货价格*102%, 却发现结果不对,结果错误的原因为:
A. Access无法处理小数计算 B. 公式中的运算顺序不对
C. 应该乘以2% D. 算式应为 销售-[利润]!进货价格*102%

由此可见美国学生的数学水平实在一般,老师可能知道所以也不敢出一些很难的计算题。这份试卷没有一道计算题。数据库和公式类的问题全都与以上两道题类似。 不过我还是没考满分,好像是漏背了几个概念。Biajee要是知道我这么弱智,非笑掉大牙不可。不过他今晨因为找不到刮胡子刀的充电线,只刮了右半边脸就去上班了,还把所有责任都归结在阿诺身上。


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Professor Nieschwietz

Biajee was shocked when I told him that most students in my class address the professor by his first name. I personally think it's very impolite and I've always addressed my professors by their last names followed by either "Professor" or "Doctor". The American undergrad students are poorly trained on how to respect teachers.

"Nobody addressed me by my first name when I was teaching in CUNY." Biajee said.

"That's because they don't know how to pronounce it." I said coldly.

Some students even asked the professor how to pronounce his last name during the Tuesday class. Dear me, we're 2/3 into the semester already. And his last name is very easy to pronounce because it spells like Nieschwietz. He got his CPA license in Texas and then he went to the academic area and never renewed it for 10 years. After he moved to Colorado, he suddenly wanted to transfer his license so Texas wanted him to pay $250 renewal fee for each year and $200 fine for each year, which would total up to $5000. He thought it might be cheaper to retake it. Then he found out that he could simply transfer his test scores to Colorado and re-apply for the license without paying any fee.

"Definitely take the CPA exam." He said. "You only need to do it once in your life."


Wednesday, October 22, 2008




突然大风降温了,我们中午买了很多水果和早餐,准备明天吃的。想起塞得满满的冰箱,觉得很惆怅。当年我一个人住的时候,冰箱里都是空的,非常干净。家里也一尘不染。Biajee每次来找我玩都怀疑我是不是住在那里。 自从Biajee和阿诺搬来之后,我们的家就像猪窝,生活就像无底洞。



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How to Interview

I attended a class about The Art of Interviewing today. It's mostly helpful in a lot of behavioral questions. The key is to always say that you're a terrifc fit for the position you're interviewing for even though you may have sucked at some other questions. This is the way the Americans like.

They want confidence, nacissism and ego regardless of what your real skill sets are. If you say something like, "I have the right skill sets, but there will be a learning curve." You'll absolutely lose a few points there. It's not the right time of being humble, feasible or practical. It's the time of bragging, exaggerating and magnifying what you can do.

Never say anything negative about yourself. Picture you as the best of all in the whole wild world. The thing is, I have interviewed a lot of people and have never asked them such questions before. I pretty much could judge whether they are a perfect fit for the job based on all the other questions I have asked. And they'll always lose points if they tell me they're the perfect fit for the job.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sign Change

Today the sign in front of my company was changed to Staples from Corporate Express. It's very ugly now compared to before as the colors don't match that smoothly. Anyway, it is the milestone of the transition of the company. I no longer work for the company I was hired to work for.

I'll have to study very hard this weekend for my accounting class as there are so many terms and definitions to remember for next week's exam. I need to memorize everything to be able to ace the 35 multiple choice questions. The problem is, aside from COBIT, COSO, PCAOB, ACL, IPS, RADIUS, etc, there will also be accounting questions. I'm pretty sure I'll be a new soldier equipped with all the auditing definitions and ideas after this exam.

Biajee just found out for me that my accounting professor used to work for KPMG. Somehow he quit his high-salary job there and became a professor for UC Denver. According to the online disclosure, he almost makes nothing for the current job. Maybe he just enjoys teaching.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Biajee got up at 5:30 am today and went jogging. He said his right leg was thinner than his left now due to the surgery and no movement in the past 1.5 months. He must have felt really bad because it's really a drag for him to be able to get up that early. And he was late for work after that because he couldn't manage his time very well. Of course he blamed me really hard for it.

What can I do? I have a 7 am conference call tomorrow and an 8 am meeting. I don't see how I can add to his misery by disappearing from his sight as early as possible.

Anyway, I attended a work shop for Networking today and it was very helpful. I've never found a job through networking before. Maybe I should try it now. My boss comes back tomorrow so I should be all burned out with work.

I turned in my 2nd project for my accounting class last night and the professor was surprised. He was going to spend half the class showing them how to do the projects. I thought it was supposed to be an individual effort on his announcement. I left the class early because I already spent my time on it and didn't want to waste any resources.

Monday, October 13, 2008


自从Biajee开始做饭以后,我和阿诺不约而同地得了厌食症。具体表现为对什么食物都没有胃口,看到食品就想逃之夭夭,尤其是Biajee加工过的食品。Biajee不会做面食,不会做饺子馅,包子馅或者混沌馅。所以我们的菜谱总是老三样,逼急了Biajee就给我们煮速冻饺子和方便面吃,搞得我和阿诺也懒得抱怨了。 就连素食的品种都没什么变化。我大概已经有一年没吃过素什锦了。Biajee当然不会做,也想不起来要做。阿诺现在已经瘦得前搓板后糖葫芦了,我们不久就要被Biajee饿死了。

上周末去了丹佛的自然历史博物馆。我买了一年的会员卡,这样在里面看IMAX电影和球幕电影都有优惠,吃饭和买礼品也可以打九折。 我们观看了最新的有关恐龙的纪录片,是麦克尔道格拉斯解说的。 这个IMAX的屏幕是全世界最大的,看起来非常爽,只是因为我们没有提前排队,所以坐在了侧面,最好的效果应该是正中间靠后的位置。电影长达40分钟,讲述了关于恐龙的最新发现以及古生物学家和研究生们如何使低洼去恐龙化石的过程。我不由暗自庆幸自己没有选择古生物学作为专业,那种风餐露宿,含辛茹苦的生活我肯定受不了。我们学到了一堆关于恐龙的英文词儿,还看到了很多复原的恐龙在打架,非常生动。

散场后,我们路过放映室,看到直径大於1米的胶盘,每张相片都是120的尺寸,每场放完之后,放映员用胶布将胶片上的灰尘吸走清洁,煞为壮观。 电影院能容纳441人,座无虚席。这个生意真不错,肯定能赚钱。不象日前去过的丹佛水族馆,还破过产呢。


Friday, October 10, 2008


Winter is finally here. We'll get snow this weekend. I just finished Project 2 for my accounting class. I was using Access 2003. It bothers me that when I try to print the relationships, it won't show the primary key(s) for each table as bolded. Maybe Biajee can help me with that. I'll just burn a CD for the professor so that he won't even need to see the relationships on paper.

I've scheduled 2 sessions with Resnik Partners next week, one for Resume Building, the other for Networking. It's a shame that everyone else is participating in these seminars while I'm still working so hard. Fortunately my boss won't be in the office from Monday to Wednesday so I decide to take advantage of it and do something fun for myself.

The stock market keep plunging. We see no hope at all for it to rebounce. People are panicking that $700 billion is not enough. The funds I put in my 401K plan has shrunk 25% since Jan. 1st. Well, I don't want to take money out and pay 20% penalty either. Let the mutual funds ride the rollercoaster and crash.
