
Tuesday, July 29, 2008






Monday, July 28, 2008

Terrible Two

I just realized this weekend that Arnold had been in the Terrible Two stage for a while already. Whenever his needs don't get satisfied immediately, he'll start to make all kinds of noises and fussy faces. Fortunately we have someone named Biajee in our house who constantly talks to Arnold, soothes his needs and cleans up the mess Arnold creates. I don't remember me going through Terrible Two Stage at all. I'd probably get a box at my ears if I started to scream. My mom used to spank me with a broomstick and my dad would hit my hand.

We walked to Jamba Juice together yesterday afternoon. It's about a 2.5 mile walk from the house. I almost fainted because of starvation on our way there. Then we decided to go to IHOP after Jamba Juice. It started to rain cats and dogs while we were eating. Biajee decided to run home and get the car. We finally got home safe and dry and hungry again. So the three of us had to share one bowl of congee. I felt like we were back in the Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward periods.

We played soccer in our master bedroom together before we all went to bed. It's a blessing to have a huge master bedroom. Arnold enjoyed it so much, but he could hardly touch the ball because Biajee and I were dominating the ball on purpose. We cannot wait till the four of us can play soccer together. The two younger ones will eventually be much better and stronger than us.

Thursday, July 24, 2008





"你出去买吧,超市里都有。" 他说懒得出门了,干脆吃点哈根大支冰冰淋解馋吧。我睡眼朦胧地见他坐在床边吃冰激淋。今天早上问他:“冰激淋好吃吗?”






Wednesday, July 23, 2008


去过武汉的人都知道,热干面,豆皮和灌汤包子是那里最有名的小吃。 我是大学二年级第一次去武汉玩的,那时候的热干面还很便宜,才一块钱一碗。 昨天模仿着做了一下,简直不及热干面之万一。 以前在佛罗里达做的还有几分形似,自从嫁给Biajee之后,发现他确实很容易满足,只要饭做熟了,他准能全吃下去。于是全家的伙食标准江河日下,人心不古。

热干面要用那种黄色的类似油面的圆柱形面条,煮好之后淋上香油,拌上芝麻酱,葱花,榨菜丁,加点蒜蓉和醋,简直是面中极品。 当然没有武汉大街上卖得好吃,因为我觉得他们还有不传之秘,是我揣摩不出来的。不过看了《功夫熊猫》之后觉得也可能没有什么秘密。现在在武汉也很难吃到正宗的热干面了。为了多卖钱,小贩们开始向面里加肉,加海鲜,这样可以卖到十几元一碗。殊不知越是花里胡哨的东东越不好吃。 昨晚我们用的是上海粗面,色香味完全不对,榨菜又被阿诺空口吃完了,所以没有我预期的好吃。



Tuesday, July 22, 2008






昨天还吃了免费的冰激淋,造成了整个下午的不舒服和整个晚上的呕吐。 我总是忘记自己不能吃甜的,一吃就吐,真惨呀!



Monday, July 21, 2008




星期五的超声波结果这周就会出来,届时我们将知道婴儿有先天疾病的可能性。从超声波上根本看不出这个婴儿和阿诺小时候的区别,同样的大脑袋,同样照着手,同样蹬着腿。也许以后不用给新生儿照相了,只要拿出阿诺小时候的照片重新冲洗一下就可以了。我们家的一台相机和两台摄像机都已经被阿诺玩坏了。真不知道该拿这个任性的小人怎么办。 对于Biajee这种喜欢更新摄影器材的人这也许是一件好事,但对于我们的钱包来说,简直太残酷了。

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Deal with Shit

Our morning started with "Dealing with Shit" today. Arnold pooped on the carpet in the master bedroom after I took off his diaper this morning. There were 3 piles of poop near the bathroom door. I started to scream and call Biajee. He was still half asleep when he got there so he almost stepped onto one pile.

Fortunately these are high quality and high density stool so it wasn't that hard to pick them up and remove them. Biajee used the carpet stain remover to clean the carpet and now it's spotless. Arnold doesn't want to poop in the diaper these days, but he doesn't want to poop in his little toilet either. As a matter of fact, he's never used his little toilets yet. Maybe his younger sibling will be potty trained earlier than him.

Amazingly, Biajee still looks at his son with love, care, proud and an addicted smile as Arnold is the only thing worthy of his love in this world. He would soothe to Arnold's every need, be dragged up and downstairs by that little brat without any complaints. Had Arnold been a little girl, he would definitely be Biajee's mistress.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Las Vegas Trip (Day 5, July 1, 2008)

We checked out the cabin early in the morning and were on our way to Zion National Park. Zion in Hebrew means Sacred. One of the morman leaders named this place years ago. The scenery was spectacular, except that we had to take a bus ride offered by the National Park due to heavy traffic of the tourists.

In 1936, Zion National Park only hosted 3,600 people a month. Today, there are 2 million visitors every month. The famous scenic spot includes the weeping rock in the park, which was a 30 minute hike from the bus stop. Biajee and I were running out of time so we didn't visit it. The water dripping from the rock was from 1600 years ago, that's how amazing things get accumulated.

Biajee had to admit that every park here is better than the Grand Canyon, but the Grand Canyon is just some place everyone has to go to.

We had T Bone steak for lunch on our way back. Biajee just had enough time to drop me off for my flight. Then their flight was canceled so they had to get onto the next one and didn't get home till 11:30 pm.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Las Vegas Trip (Day 4, June 30, 2008)

We got up early and finished all the scenic spot in Grand Canyon around 2 pm. I finally convinced Biajee that it was really not that impressive. We decided to go to Lake Powell in the afternoon. I've been there 8 years ago and it's just amazingly beautiful.

The drive was like a paradise road, except that we encountered traffic and road construction in the end. It took us over 2 hours to get there and I found the previously free place had become a National Rec Area that'll charge $15 entrance fee per vehicle. Fortunately we have the National Park Annual Pass on us.

We took a 1.5 hour boat tour to see the dam. It is nothing compared to the whole day boat tours into the canyon, but it's still magnificent.

We then had dinner at the Lake Powell Resort, but the waitress forgot my order of pizza so we stayed there till 10 pm. By the time Biajee drove us back to Jacob Lake Inn, it was past 1 am in the morning.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Las Vegas Trip (Day 3, June 29, 2008)

Biajee took Arnold to Hoover Dam while I was in the IECSC today. And he lost his way on the way back to Vegas so I had to stand in the sun waiting for them for 30 minutes. I felt so desperate then. We immediately got on our way to Grand Canyon. It was a 4 hour drive and we had to eat before we really hit the savaged land.

The amazing thing about Las Vegas is that there is nothing when you get out of Las Vegas Blvd, not even a decent restaurant. We had some fast food in the middle of nowhere, which later proved to be a smart decision. We didn't see any more restaurant in the next 50 miles.

Our lodging is at Jacob Lake Inn, a little cabin motel 45 miles outside the Grand Canyon. Every room inside the National Park was fully booked months ago. This is the closest spot we could find. Dinner only lasted till 8:30 pm and we got there at 8:15 pm, just in time to put in our order. I was still hungry and nauseaous. We ordered two large milk shakes for ourselves, which ended up to be a huge waste later on. We were all exhausted from the sun and the drive.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Las Vegas Trip (Day 2, June 28, 2008)

Our 2nd day was fruitful. We both went to the Las Vegas Convention Center. I participated in the IECSC while Biajee took Arnold to the Western Truck Show. It must have been 150 degrees outside. I felt like cooked most of the time and I was nauseaous all through the show.

IECSC is really cool for girls, but it's open to professionals only. I had to use some relationship to get in there. But once you are inside, you'll find a different world and I'm pretty sure most women could stay there for days and spend thousands of dollars. I only spend less than $400 for 2 days. Biajee kept saying I should have bought more products and put them on eBay for sale. Well, eBay just had this fiasco of selling fake LV bags. Rules and regulations will be put in place soon to verify that all the brand names are genuine in future.

We went to MGM afterwards had the famous Grand Buffet there. MGM must have the most expensive Chinese restaurant we've ever seen so far. An entree of spicy beef tripe could cost you $39. Biajee and I finally decided to go to the buffet so Arnold could eat for free and we only need to pay $30 each plus tip.

Biajee and Arnold were fascinated about the live lions inside MGM. Lions are symbols of the studio.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Las Vegas Trip (Day 1, June 27, 2008)

We both worked full day on Friday before going to the airport. We finally decided to drive instead of taking the bus. It's much more convenient this way, otherwise we'll have to drag 2 check-in bags, one diaper bag and a 2 year old boy onto the bus. The round trip will cost us $36. By driving, we paid $42 for parking and the gas and car depreciation to and from the airport.

My blackberry broke the day before we left. I ordered a new one, but I didn't choose the Next Day Delivery Service, which is pure dumb on my side. I was thinking I could save $14.97 for the company, but it caused us so much inconvenience. So I was without a phone for 4 days.

I took United and got there an hour later than Biajee and Arnold. They used my free tickets from Southwest so that they could get there early and rent the car first. Southwest can check in 2 bags for each person for free, the way it used to be for all the airlines, but now a luxury for everybody.

Las Vegas airport is a crazy place. The first things you saw after getting off the plane are slot machines and flocks of people. Outside temperature is over 100 degree at 10 pm.

"I don't like this place at all." Biajee said.