
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Break

I took last week off and went on vacation with the family. Biajee was the driver all through the week. We went to Little Rock first to visit President Clinton's library, Little Rock Central High School Historical Museum, the State Capitol of Arkansas, the Science and Discovery Museum and the Old Mill.

Each president builds a library in their hometown after they retire and this library will tell the biography of the president and what they had done during their serving period in the White House. Arnold and Arthur had a great time there. We learned a lot more about William Jefferson Clinton. His biological father died 3 months before he was born and he was raised by his mother. He was born in a little town called Hope in Arkansas and then later moved to Hot Springs after his mom got remarried.

There was an exhibition about Queen Elizabeth and they got her age wrong. Biajee was very upset about it. The exhibition said Queen Elizabeth was over 100 years old while she was born in 1926 as a matter of fact.

There was a Chinese restaurant called Chi's in Little Rock. We had Dim Sum there one day and it was very expensive. We spent $75 on the Dim Sum, which normally would have been half the price if we were to dine in Denver or any other city in the United States.

The Little Rock Central High School is the largest high school in the United States and looks absolutely gorgeous from the outside. We didn't get to go in because we went to visit at 9 am on Sunday morning.

The Little Rock Central High School is the largest high school in the United States and looks absolutely gorgeous from the outside. We didn't get to go in because we went to visit at 9 am on Sunday morning. The State Capitol of Arkansas was a a lot of fun to visit. They open on Sundays at 10 am. We toured every floor of the building. In my personal opinion, it has a lot more to offer to tourist than the State Capitol of Texas in Austin. We learned about the meaning of the state flag. Arkansas was the 25th state that was claimed to be a state of the United States, which was reflected in the 25 stars circling the diamond. Diamond digging used to be a huge business here, which is why there is a huge white diamond on the flag. There were a lot of fun facts about Arkansas and the building was fabulous.

Sunday, March 07, 2010




本周六去公司带全家开早会,健身,下午回家又睡到4点.奥斯卡最佳女主角桑德拉布拉克来到奔腾村闪亮登场.沃尔玛公司各个会场挤得水泄不通,大家都兴奋异常.要目睹这些名演员的芳容的最佳地点显然是奔腾村,而不是好莱坞. 我们还拿了一些世界杯足球的小纪念品.沃尔玛今年是世界杯产品的指定销售公司,吉祥物是一只绿色的小狮子,好可爱的.

巴菲特说过,"世界杯足球是广告的高速公路.当有高速公路存在的时候,谁都不应该再走乡村小道." 可见在世界杯足球运动做广告的重要性.

周五下午收到了通知,自己已被晋升为山姆会员俱乐部的财政计划与预测总监.这一消息将在周一以电子邮件的方式通知山姆会员俱乐部财务部门所有雇员. 9个多月的扛长工终于没有白费,摆在我面前的是一大堆更头疼的工作.我希望这一变动不会影响我早已计划好的休假.


Monday, March 01, 2010


We taught Arnold how to count from 1 to 10 last night. He was finally able to remember all the numbers. The challenge we faced was that Arnold thought everything was a joke. It is the right time to educate him on what is serious matter at the moment.

Statistics showed that decades ago, only 10% of women were making more money than their husbands. Today, about 35% of women are making more money than their spouses. This trend will likely grow in the coming years, mainly because women in the country are better educated than men. We obviously do not want Arnold to be too far behind his future wife.

The earthquake in Chile was devastating. My boss returned from Chile to the US on Friday night. He narrowly missed the big catastrophe. There is definitely a guardian angel watching out for him. He said there was a big earthquake there in 1985 when he was living there. Grade 8.8 is very severe earthquake. Fortunately the country was long and thin so not too many people died from the disaster.