
Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Arnold got infected with his first disease at day care yesterday. He got diarrhea. The policy of Montessori is that if the kid poops for four times or above within an hour, he/she need to be dismissed immediately. Fortunately, Arnold only pooped twice in the last 30 minutes.

I was somewhat nervous. Biajee was leaving for Alberquerque and I was left alone with a sick baby. The deadly side effect of diarrhea is dehydration. I had Arnold slept with me last night so that I could nurse him from time to time to make sure he didn't lose too much water. He only pooped once at midnight and he didn't cry too much at all except when we were sitting in rush hour traffic on the way back home.

Biajee mobbed the hard wood floor and made me a nice dinner before he set off to the airport. I was so touched. I miss them both now. One is in New Mexico, the other is five minutes away from me. Yet I cannot see them at this very moment. Such is life.

I found myself more efficient when Biajee is not home though. I was able to finish everything and come to work by 7:15 this morning. A little accident was that the breast milk storage bag leaked when I was preparing Arnold's bottles today. We tried two brands so far: Lansinoh and Gerber. Lansinoh was made in Thailand with a completely different type of plastic. It starts leaking when you try to fill it with milk. Gerber is made in USA, yet it leaks when you defreeze the bag. The only conclusion we could reach to is that Americans are getting cheap every day, mostly due to the brilliant ideas from us MBA people on costing cutting.


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