
Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Arnold was coughing on his way back home last night. I got so concerned. We had the first snow this year. The temperature was around 30. Biajee was so lazy - he never dresses Arnold up with jackets and layered up clothes when he picks him up. I bundled him up this morning, hopefully it helps.

Arnold slept with me again and I tried to nurse him through the night. He doesn't want to eat that much at all and he kicks the quilt away constantly. Finally he fell asleep at 5 am, but I had to get up and get everything ready. I didn't have time to feed him this morning so he was fussy all the way till he got to school. I heated up his milk bottle there and laid him on the play gym there. He knows the difference between home and school now and immediately stopped crying.

I hope he'll eat well. I found that I had forgotten to put his milk bottles into the dishwasher last night. I had to hand wash everything this morning. I don't function well on snowy days because I've slid on icy snow twice before. Driving on snow is a tremendous challenge. Biajee, on the other hand, is super at this. How I wish he was here to drive.

All I can wish for now is that Arnold doesn't get a fever. He seems fine except for the coughing. A cold or fever can lead easily to pneumonia for a baby and we don't want that to happen.


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