
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Traffic Ticket

We don't like the west coast. We don't think we're ever moving to the west coast. People are generally poor and mean. Well, we totally agree with the theory that when people are poor, they are usually nasty.

Biajee got a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. It cost us $242. Pretty expensive because the police saw his driver's license is from Colorado. Obviously we cannot go to court on Aug. 25th. Biajee already paid for the ticket.

The screen of our Apple laptop was broken due to rough handling.

Someone took my precious rings away in a restaurant after I washed my hands and left them on the counter in the restroom. The police are being contacted today.

We were glad we came back to Colorado.

We still love traveling. There are good times and bad times in life. The bottom line is we are still healthy, safe and happy.


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