
Monday, July 17, 2006


"Can you check the meaning of NIGHTCRAWLER for me?" Biajee called me from Wal-mart yesterday.

"They're earthworms." I said.

"Well, Wal-mart sells earthworms as a fishing bait. Shall I get some? The ones I ordered on line was shipped out on July 10th and they still haven't arrived yet."

"Sure. Why not?" I replied cheerfully.

It turned out Biajee ordered some WIGGLER. Wiggler can have multiple meanings: 1) It could be the larva of a mosquito; 2) It can mean nightwalker as well. I had a sudden fear that Biajee had ordered 4.5 lbs of mosquito larva to be shipped to our house, which is probably why it takes so long to arrive. There are hurds of mosquitoes in front of my eyes for a scaring second.

There are not too many mosquitoes in the state of Colorado because of the dryness. However, a lot of mosquitoes carry a deadly disease named West Nile. We're too sensitive about that and are extra careful that Arnold stays in the house early dawn or dusk or at night.

Biajee assured me that what he ordered was wigglers with meaning of earthworms. I only hope that's the truth or we might have to burn the box when it comes to the door...


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