
Monday, July 10, 2006

First Plane Trip

Biajee and I have planned out the first plane trip with Arnold. Biajee will be in meetings in Portland the first week of August. Since Arnold and I are not going to school or work and we have never been to Oregon yet, we decided to take the trip with Biajee.

Arnold's Doctor said it was fine to travel with a 7 week old. There is nothing specific to notice about. Some people say the baby will feel better if he gets nursed during takeoff and landing, but sometimes it doesn't really make a difference.

Arnold's acne has got a lot better. We think it's the allergy to shrimps. Now I cannot eat shrimps as long as I am nursing. Lots of things will be changed as well. Our vacation will not be the same as before. We may not be able to go to a lot of places because we have to adjust to Arnold's schedule. The little one goes to bed by 11 pm every night and wakes up around 7 in the morning. No more overnight parties for many years....


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