
Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I took Arnold to the dentist today. It was his first dental visit, which was referred to as happy visit. He got his teeth polished and cleaned and sat on the funny chair. The hygenist gave him a Tiger toothbrush and several toys as gifts. Dr. Keene even came out and looked at his teeth.

"Thank you for bringing him in." Dr. Keene said. "We need to get them used to the dental office environment as early as possible so that when they have cavities and other issues, they wouldn't resent the place."

The visit was totally free. I tried to schedule an appointment for Biajee, but they were all fully booked till Jan. 26th. I don't think Biajee can go to the dentist on Jan. 26th because I'll either be resting in bed with the new baby or will be in the delivery room.

Right after I got home, I found a letter from court in the mail. It asked me to pay a fine of $37.50 and assess one point on my driver's license so that I don't have to go to court on February 17th. Oh Thank YOU GOD! I believe there is a GOD and some justice.

It was totally my fault to have made that illegal U Turn, but I don't deserve to go to court for it with a 2 week old baby. I'll drive extra carefully from now on. In fact, I'll try to stay home and not operate a vehicle at all.



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