
Friday, July 07, 2006

Allergy or Acne

We thought that Arnold was allergic to shrimps. I had four the day before yesterday and six yesterday for lunch. His face was all red last night. Poor little thing!

I felt so guilty that I had done this to him. I haven't been allergic to many things in my life at all. The most serious time I remember is that I was allergic to vitamins when I lived in Hong Kong. I had to take 2 days off from work and go to the doctor's for prescription.

Kari looked at him today and told me it might be baby acnes that he's got. If I quit eating shrimps for a few days and this acne doesn't go away, it may not be allergy. Baby acnes look disgusting and generally will last for about a month. At this point, we'll wait and see what is going on with the little guy.

I tried to put the outfit he got in the hospital on him today and it seemed like he already outgrew it. Newborn babies grow about 0.5 lb a week if they're fed really well. We'll measure him on August 9th at his next doctor's appointment.


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