
Sunday, July 02, 2006


We have been having lobster for dinner for the past 2 Sundays. Biajee bought another one today and he is steaming it downstairs. I need the nutrition. Plus I almost passed out this morning while taking a shower. Biajee got hold of me in time and I rested in bed for a few hours.

We all slept for most of the day. We never got enough rest since we came back from the hospital.

I have tremendous duty and responsibility for my son. He needs to have the best of everything to the extent of our affordability. What really counts is how you would dedicate your life to this baby from now on.

Well, another side hint is that Amy told me some mothers would feel disconnected from their baby because they used epidural for labor. If it was a natural birth, an upsurge of oxcitocin will be released from the mother's system, which causes the unconditional love and bonding. Well, I never feel disconnected from Arnold. I know all his different cries: hunger, dirty diaper, needs snuggling, tired, etc. I'll be knowing him inside and out all his life. He likes to pee and poop whenever we open up his diaper...


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