
Sunday, October 07, 2007


After being a single mom for about a month, I finally agreed to let Biajee pick up and drop off Arnold because he thinks his parents are not spending enough time with Arnold. I definitely should honor my husband's complain.

What he is also responsible for is Arnold's schedule. When Arnold goes down to sleep every night at 8 pm, someone need to be in the house all the time, which means he cannot go anywhere. When Arnold wakes up in the morning, he cannot sleep for one more minute but to adjust to Arnold's schedule. When Arnold is hungry, he should cook and feed him. There are a lot of things he needs to take on aside from the pleasure of playing with Arnold.

Biajee's parents have never cooked a single meal or changed a single diaper for Arnold ever since they arrived in the US. It's about time that they contribute.

I'm going out with my girl friends tonight. It's been so long before I have the feeling of being single again. It feels absolutely great.

One thing that I cannot divest is that if Arnold doesn't turn out to be great and decent, it's Xinle Yang's name that he'll stain, not his grandparents' name. Only because there is an old Chinese saying: The father is to be blamed for an ill - bred kid. (养不教,父之过)。


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