
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Neighborhood Party

We went to our neighbor's house for a party last night. It's a babies' party. There are over 10 babies in this neighborhood with children under 2 years old. I hope Arnold gets someone to play with when he is older.

He got thrown out of school again due to diarrhea. I took him to work for the rest of the day. He had fluid fecal evacuation while he was next to my desk. It smelled aweful. I took him to the restroom for a change.

Biajee took today off to stay home with him. Arnold had a sleepless night and finally vomitted in our bed this morning.

I called Dr. C and she suggested that we buy Pedialype for this. It's water mixed up with sugar and salt for babies mainly to prevent dehydration. If he gets better, we can feed him rice with water. Biajee slept till 9:30 am before he took Arnold to the grocery store for the medicine.

If Arnold doesn't get better, I may have to take tomorrow off as a sick day.


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