
Monday, March 12, 2007


"If it's breathing, tax it. If it's not breathing, find its children and tax them."
-- George W. Bush Jr.

We worked on our taxes yesterday and still haven't finished it. Uncle Sam is brutal. We're paying more taxes every year. We're obtaining Arnold's day care receipt for 2006 today and hopefully can deduct some taxes.

Day Light Saving took effect yesterday. Suddenly we lost a whole hour. Arnold and I never even stepped outdoors yesterday. Biajee only took out the garbage in the evening.

Poor Arnold had sick stomache due to the duck he had from the party the night before. Dr. C said he could pretty much eat anything now except for nuts, honey, fish and shell fish. We got excited and fed him a lot of party food at a friend's house. He threw up and pooped for the whole day. It's stupid to introduce to many varieties of food to him at the same time. Obviously he cannot handle oily food.


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