
Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Biajee got up at 5:30 am today and went jogging. He said his right leg was thinner than his left now due to the surgery and no movement in the past 1.5 months. He must have felt really bad because it's really a drag for him to be able to get up that early. And he was late for work after that because he couldn't manage his time very well. Of course he blamed me really hard for it.

What can I do? I have a 7 am conference call tomorrow and an 8 am meeting. I don't see how I can add to his misery by disappearing from his sight as early as possible.

Anyway, I attended a work shop for Networking today and it was very helpful. I've never found a job through networking before. Maybe I should try it now. My boss comes back tomorrow so I should be all burned out with work.

I turned in my 2nd project for my accounting class last night and the professor was surprised. He was going to spend half the class showing them how to do the projects. I thought it was supposed to be an individual effort on his announcement. I left the class early because I already spent my time on it and didn't want to waste any resources.


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