
Monday, April 16, 2007

Side Effects - Terrible Saturday

Zithromax has side effects: nausea, vomitting and diarrhea that only occur in 5% of the population. Arnold got all the symptoms since Saturday. Obviously he was among the top 5% of human population. He was fussy because of dizziness. He threw up everything in his stomache for four times. He pooped green liquid all day long.

Biajee and I were desperate. Nobody had told us that he need to get all these new problems in order to get rid of pneumonia.

I still took him to the Gymboree class, which he didn't enjoy at all. We went for the neighborhood egg hunt. Arnold sat on the grass, looking miserable all the time while I picked up some cute eggs for him and took his pictures.

When we finally got home in the afternoon, he vomitted all over our bed. The linens had to be changed and completely washed. Arnold was screaming because he wanted to be held when he was uncomfortable. Biajee tried to get on the phone with me in the mean time talking about dinner recipe.

The three of us took turns sleeping for the whole day on Sunday. I have a gut feeling that our weekends will be like this for another year.


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