
Thursday, April 05, 2007


We ordered 2 years' supply of contact lens from Costco yesterday with the coupon from my eye doctor. It says that if we order one year's supply, we'll get $80 rebate. Since I only need it for one eye, we'd have to purchase 4 boxes to qualify for the rebate.

I submitted the forms for rebate, reimbursement from insurance company and possible claim from Flexible Spending Account. We'll make $33.56 if all the rebates and reimbursement come back on the contact lenses. We can make $51.44 more if I had put enough money in FSA. I guess we have found this profitable business - buying contact lenses and making money!

The little euphoria was followed by a huge poo-poo: we received a letter from IRS last night. We didn't claim the research fund and scholarship Biajee made from City University of New York as taxable income in 2005 and Uncle Sam is asking for $1,058 of tax money that we owed to US Treasury. This is a battle we don't want to pick up. We swallowed our pride and wrote a check.

Whenever we start to have a little breathe financially, there'll be somewhere to spend big money. We're never able to save...


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