
Monday, February 12, 2007

Sidney Sheldon

Sydney Sheldon died last week at the age of 89. It turned out that Biajee had never read any of his books before. I borrowed two of my favorites for him from the library: If Tomorrow Comes and Master of the Game. I read them when I was in high school. How can he be so ignorant? He is a slow reader. He read till 2 am today and only finished half of the first one. I was thinking he could probably read Rage of the Angel as well when he has time. It's good to take a break from his ivory tower built of physics and pornos.

We watched The Dinner Game, a French movie recommended by il. It is an 82 minute comedy, very funny indeed. The cost of the movie is amazingly low as well since everything happens in a house and major activity is conversation.

Arnold fell from the sofa yesterday and almost broke his neck. I was livid. I'd told Biajee a zillion times not to put the baby on couch because he is no longer immobile. He can turn and roll over now. It happened too fast in front of us. Fortunately Arnold was all right.

He can get a concept of a game now. I played Pee-Kah-Roar with him last night. I walked into the bedroom and roared at him like a lion, then I walked out, disappeared and re-entered with the same roar. He’d bounce up and down and laugh and scream. Then I did that for almost 20 times because I was folding and hanging up clothes. He still cannot crawl forward yet, but he can crawl backwards. It is said kids learn to crawl backwards first before they start to go forward. He can still circle around the earth if he crawls backwards and that's totally fine with me.

I cooked four main dishes yesterday because I decided that we should bring our lunches this week. After I packed our lunches for Monday, Biajee finished eating the rest of all the dishes so we're down to nothing again. I'm overjoyed at the fact that he loved my cooking. The only issue is to find time to cook. I know we'll have to cook delicious and organic dinners very soon because Arnold will soon be able to eat the same food as we do and he needs nutrition. I shall try my best to keep him away from American junk.


  • At 1:30 AM, Blogger Jiang Xiao said…

    What a shame to me too, I didn't read any Sheldon book until last year. The one I read was "The Master of the Game". My reading speed is even slower, I finished it after many nights.

  • At 8:01 AM, Blogger baobaobebe said…

    My American coworker has never heard of Sidney Sheldon either. She thought it was something similar to Dr. Seuss.


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