
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

First Haircut

Chinese babies usually have their first haircut a month after they are born. I got my first haircut when I was a month old. Biajee didn't. He was too lazy and too cowardish to cut Arnold's hair at that time. I was still in bed suffering from the pain of labor and lack of sleep.

We finally made the decision to shave Arnold bald. Of course, WE means I in terms of the teamwork spirit in our family. I still like to use WE so that I don't feel that I'm doing everything. It's my self-adjusting psycho treatment. Biajee did help holding Arnold though. I locked them up in our smallest bathroom downstairs so that the hair wouldn't fly everywhere in the house.

Arnold loved the feeling of being mowed. I don't think he realized what was going on. He still had no idea of the change of his own image in the mirror afterwards. He looks like one of the Shao-lin monks now. So adorable.

Arnold is fond of Biajee's glasses these days. He was wild with joy every time he saw Biajee approaching. Biajee was so touched that he started to hold him and kiss him. Then Arnold would snatch off Biajee's glasses and pretend he doesn't know Dad at all. It's quite heart-breaking for Biajee, yet he got cheated every time Arnold laughs at him.


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