
Saturday, January 27, 2007

New Earrings - Jan 12th, 2007

Biajee bought me a pair of new earrings at a gift shop after we dined in Pacific 'O, the restaurant on the beach. All the food in Pacific 'O are produced in a farm on Haleakala. We tried to make a reservation for the farm tour, but there was nothing available that week. I would suggest call in advance if you're interested in touring the farm.

The earrings we picked up are Hawaiian style and they match my strap-on top perfectly. Women are fond of these gadgets by nature.

We went to big beach on the south of east Maui on Friday morning. That is the most expensive part of the whole island. The Four Season's Hotel and The Prince Hotel were located there. Most beaches and land were owned by the hotels now. The water was jade-green and we could see Molinki from its back. There is a warning sign on the shore indicating the waves could be deadly and people should swim at their own risk. The sand is nowhere in comparison of that in Florida, but we still enjoyed a lot. Arnold was in the tent most of the time so he could avoid sunshine. This was the only real enjoy-the-beach time we had during the entire trip.


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