
Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Arnold has been this little irresponsible and irritating monster for the past 2 nights. He woke up at 4 am two days in a row. How can he be so ignorant about how other people feel?? After being wrapped up with a clean diaper, he was put next to me and started winking, "Do you know a place where I can get a Drink?" He thinks milk bottles are toys. The real fountain is really mom's breasts. I've heard of people nursing their kid till they're five years old. How drastic! I'm only planning on a full year till he can drink organic cow milk. Nonetheless, I cannot imagine the day that he doesn't need my milk any more. I woulk like to hold him, pet him, nurse him and spoil him till he grows into an adult. I may even follow him into college. Of course, I promise I'll stay completely out of his way....

He just destroyed his favorite toy over the weekend, the little baby drum my dad sent him from China . He bit it open and now it gives out a weird dummy sound every time we shake it.

We signed up for Netflix last week. Our virgin DVD was The Corporation. It's a documentary by Michael Moore talking about the origin of the companies and the evil things they perform on a daily basis. What we learned from the movie was: everyone should buy organic food and drink in this country. RBGH is legal in the United States because FDA approved it mysterically without looking closely to its side effects of causing cancer and other diseases.


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