
Thursday, February 08, 2007


Today is Arnold's 8th birthday - he is 8 months old. It's also the first day that he went to school without breakfast at home. My heart was torn into pieces when I drove him to school. He was screaming and crying all the way there.

We got up late because Arnold woke up at 3 am crying with a stuffy nose. I wish I were a stay home mom, but I do not want to lose my job. My job pays for the health insurance of our family. If I ever get laid off or fired, we won't have any medical coverage and we'll all be under water.

Sometimes I wish I can have infinite energy. I can't afford to hurt my back again or being sick again. Nobody would even cook for Arnold or feed Arnold if I were not there. If believing in God helps, I would have been a Christian in a heart beat.


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