Feeding Schedule
Biajee and I almost collapsed last night and this morning. Arnold wanted to eat every hour and each time for 30 minutes. The problem is he doesn't eat seriously. He'll suck a few mouthful and then go to sleep. I feel like a milk truck these days without enough rest and sleep. I'm in so much pain from the wound as well that it's really hard to feed him 24/7.
A nurse from Avista Hospital called me today to check on how I'm doing. She suggested that I put Arnold on schedule and feed him every 2 hours. If he gets fussy between the 2 hours, we should let him cry so that he learns his lesson. Biajee and I tried it only because I was so worn out to even latch him on my breasts. It has been working fine so far. The little fella cried for 2 hours and then I fed him. He fell asleep immediately.
I used the breast pump afterwards. It's an unimaginable piece of work, which feels like I'm being raped a few times every day. I can't believe I'll be doing it regularly after maternity leave. My goal is to nurse for a year as long as milk supply lasts. It's easier said than done. Pumping hurts a lot because it's different and not as efficient as the baby.
Biajee is taking Arnold to the Doctor's for check up tomorrow morning. I have to make sure we pack some breast milk for our son while they're out. He looks a lot more different than a week ago.
Now I believe being a parent is the hardest job you could ever love. If only he'd open his eyes more often. Maybe he didn't want to be born. Maybe it's such an ugly world that he doesn't want to look at it. He grabbed the receiving blanket for the first time yesterday. What a cutie pie!
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