
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Baby Arnold - June 8th, 2006

My contractions lasted for 87 hours before the hospital finally accepted me. It was the most painful experience in my life. I think it might be a good way to torture criminals by giving them contractions rather than a tough beating.

I was 1.5 cm dilated by Wednesday afternoon when Dr. A told me to go directly to the labor floor. The nurse had me walk around the hallway for another hour. Well, I could barely walk, the sharp pain felt like menstrual cramps, only 100 times worse. I could not talk, walk or do anything when it was there. Biajee accompanied me all the time. I felt like I was suicidal and I understood why some people would take drugs - if there is any pill that could have stopped this pain, I'd die for it.

I thought they would send us home again, like they already did three times in three days. However, when the nurse checked me again, I was 2 cms dilated. She said it was a cervical change and a good reason to keep me overnight. She offered to give me epidural immediately. What a great piece of advice! The nurse thought Biajee was about to faint when he saw all the needles and tubes they had to put into my body. Biajee confirmed that he was all right though.

We slept in Room 274 at Avista Hospital on July 7th. Both of us slept well, except that I got checked every hour by the nurse. They put me on oxytocin and I started dilating 1 cm every hour. By 9 am in the morning, I was 10 cms and Dr. A was called over for delivery.

I pushed for about 30 minutes and Dr. A cut me before he pulled Arnold's head out. This little creature was really ugly when he came out. He was all purple and the head looked like a cone. He felt quite heavy when they put me on my chest and he was all covered with jello. He weighed 8 lbs, measured 20.5 inches long and head circumference was 13.5 inches.

The poor guy had to stay in oxygen for most of the first day because he had wet lungs. I officially started nursing on Thursday night. He latched on pretty well. Biajee did a great job changing diapers for the first few days because I could barely move and couldn't even go to the restroom. A cathetor had to be inserted into my body for urine. Biajee and the nurse had helped emptying the urine bag.

I was worried about Biajee's not being able to take care of me and the baby during my pregnancy period. How stupid was that? He is such a caring husband and nice dad. I would still marry him if there is a next life.


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