
Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter

We didn't know whether preordering the book was a good idea until we found it lying in our mailbox on Saturday.

Biajee had read the story plot midnight Friday night, but I refused to listen to him on what happened. This is something to enjoy and I don't want to spoil the experience.

I'm 555 pages into the book now. There are 200 more pages so I think I'll be done either tonight or tomorrow night, depending on how much time I could spare at night after taking care of Arnold.

Biajee is still reading Book Six. There was a moment yesterday while Biajee and I were both sitting on the couch reading. Arnold came by with a little picturebook of different car models in his hand, joining the reading club. I think this is some positive effect on Arnold. He never fancied reading or my reading a book or story to him.



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