
Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Believe it or not, we actually got a graduation certificate from the Child Birth class last night. We're going to frame it and put it up in our room. I was quite overjoyed. Biajee brought me back to reality by letting me know that piece of paper would not guarantee me for a safe and easy labor, nor would it lift me from any pain. He can be a very discouraging person from time to time.

It was the least intense class we had in the past five weeks. We started with an amusing Bill Cosby talkshow about labor, went through post partum care for me and did reviews for all the previous classes. The hospital tour was afterwards. Last night was a quiet night. Most rooms were empty. There were probably one or two people there for labor, but they weren't contracting yet. It wasn't a full moon night. Laura said women tend to go into labor when it's full moon or when it's raining. It ties to the cycle of a woman and the low pressure will prompt them to go easier.

I think my due date is around full moon. Maybe my labor won't be that hard then. Although I did dream of myself being in the hospital for 2 nights and the baby still didn't come out. All I was worrying about was that they may send me home at any time.

Biajee will pack Trivial Pursuit into our hospital luggage so that he could ask me questions when I was forced to walk around the building in pain. He also ordered some films and camcorder tapes on line last night to make some historical records of the little lizard I'm going to give birth to. He already started to complain that the couch for the dad doesn't look comfortable for him to sleep on. I told him to bring a sleeping bag. I hope he doesn't sleep like a rock as he usually does. Or he may act like a rat just as last night when he went over all our camera, camcorder, cable and accessory collections.


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