
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Glucose Test Result

Both Dr. A and Gail are on vacation this week. However, the doctor's office still got back to me with my test result. I'm normal in every way. My blood sugar level looks fine, no symptoms of diabetes. Even my iron level is normal. It's a miracle that someone like me can look good in any aspect.

Biajee said it was still a mystery that I always feel cold. Normally it's caused by low blood sugar and low iron. Obviously it's not the case with me. I must have some micro-circulation problems.

He is fast asleep now, leaving me wandering alone in the house restless. The hormones are having funny effects on me. I always think I should just surf some porn websites like him, but those things don't intrigue me that much. I can only focus on them for 5 minutes maximum. Maybe some internet novels then...

We have to go to the gym tomorrow.


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