
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Panel II Test

It's a blood test for diabetes. My regular diet includes no sugar at all. However, I was told to empty my stomache for 2 hours this morning before seeing the doctor so that I could drink a whole bottle of lactose before they drew four tubes or blood out of me.

I sat there alone reading the Parenting magazine while all the sugar sank in my system. No drinks or food were allowed during that hourly waiting. I finally decided to subscribe to the magazine right before I almost passed out.

8 appointments were scheduled with Dr. A all through my due date. I'm supposed to see him every 2 weeks from now on and then every week during my last month. Baby's heart rate is still 140/minute. Dr. A thinks he is lying sideways in me, but we have plenty of time before the due date for him to turn to the right position.

I don't have strength to think about any of issues with the fetus at the moment. I have my own dragon to slay. Life can be a bitch and we can be bothered by assholes who yell at us in a parking lot and who follow us into a Subway restaurant.


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