
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Body Matters

Sex was a big problem for the first few months of pregnancy — most of the time, with the morning sickness pounding around, my sexual appetite was not as voracious as before and it was not always enjoyable when I tried to suppress my vomitting tendency. At the back of our mind was our constant (misplaced) concern that sex would put pressure on the womb, harm the baby and cause a miscarriage — a worry which would sometimes kick in at the most inopportune moment.

In the middle months, it became more difficult to cuddle in the same way. Biajee even had to clip my toenails for me.

As my breasts became larger, different problems ensued:

"Are my boobs looking alright?"
"Yes, they look great."
"So you didn't like them before?"
"No, yours always look great."
"But are they better when they're big?"
"Err, Yes. No. Whatever."

It's also worth pointing out that, however great they're looking, antenatal breasts must be handled with extreme care. They do become incredibly sensitive.

I was actually more sensitive about my changing body shape than Biajee was. Because he was seeing me every day and because it happened so gradually, he was somewhat immune to even the most extreme changes.

Even when I'd wail that I had the belly of a darts champion, he tried to assure me that I looked great and sexy and was still gorgeous all the time. I also made him say that I am the most beautiful woman in the whole world once in a while. Why, I'd say, you only have to explore the more extreme titles on any newsagent's top shelf to discover how pregnant women trigger off the strangest carnal impulses in many men...


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