
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Exercise Thoughts

Morning sickness, or "24 hour sickness" in our case turned me into sophisticated bulimics. I would suddently disappear into the restroom halfway through a nice dim sum course or a creamy lasagna entree, after which Biajee would hear a barrage of coughing or retching sounds, which he'd try to politely ignore. Hours later I'd blithely demand him to cook for me again so that I could have something to throw up. Whatever goes down comes up those days.

The cardinal rule of any relationship, of course, is that no man should ever make a detrimental remark about his partner's weight. The law is that pregnancy insulates me from all criticism. If I want to have 8 meals a day of steak, Alaskan King Crab Legs, lamb chops, hotpot and Ma Po Tofu with rice, congee and steamed bread, that is my right. Comments like "Watch the amount you're swallowing, you fat cow." definitely won't work too well with me. "It's all your fault that I'm the size of a house. Look what you did to me - you f***ing b**t." would be thrown back at him. So shut up and cook.

As far as food cravings, I have exercise cravings. Of course I could not do a lot in the first five months since I have to puke every 2 hours. For the past two mornings though, we've been to the gym, doing weights every day, climbing stairs or playing basketball. Dr. A confirmed to us today during our 10 minute visit to his office that I could still exercise regularly like I used to do. The only challenge is to drag Biajee out of bed at 6 am every morning. He, for sure, is no morning person - it only took him an hour to leave bed every day. Our alarm is set at 5:50 am and he still gets to work at around 9. I hope we could continue to do this as long as I'm not sick. Even if I grow into the size of a godzilla, I'd want to be an active one.


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