
Monday, January 30, 2006

Chinese New Year

We had a hell of weekend. Parties on Friday night, Saturday during lunch and Saturday night, each lasted for too long. Hope the Year of Dog will bring us luck. And dear friends, please forgive us for keeping coming to your houses for food... I promise I'll host big parties when I feel better...

I remember emphasizing to Biajee for a fly-out vacation a few weeks ago and realize now that it is too late to cancel. Yes, we're going to Seattle this weekend. I doubt if I'd be able to enjoy this trip as much as I had dreamed. I feel like a huge ladybug on her belly at the moment. It's almost impossible for me to carry any luggage, especially with Junior moving around inside me. Walking is all right, but standing on my feet is a big challenge. I've been longing for this vacation for months - it's our last time away before the baby is born.

How about a round of applause for all our mothers and grandmothers: they have done this for 25 times. I have to stick up - it's only my first one...


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