
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tooth Brush

We bought an electronic tooth brush for Biajee today with a $20 off coupon. The dentists recommend electronic tooth brushes these days. My dentist even recommended water pick because she doesn't think I do a good floss job. Of course they could be making a lot of money selling these things.

Arnold has been fussy at night for weeks. We think it's time to take him for an overseas trip. We'll just disrupt his schedule, switch day and night and then put him into the right spot again.

We're expecting snow tonight. Temperature will change from 50 to 10. I'm training people on my projects for next month's one week vacation. People in my company are very sensitive these days. Our stock price has dropped to $6/share from $14 a year ago. I'd be happy to still have a job by the time we finish our Japan trip.

I'm taking things easier and easier these days. The most precious part of my life is my family and nobody can take that away from me.


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