
Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Arthur Tianqi Yang was born at 7pm on Jan. 27th, 2009. Weight: 8 lb 4.8 oz. Length: 21 3/4 inches. Head circumference: 15 inch.

I was 10 cm dilated by 6:15 pm yesterday so Dr. Austin and Nurse Jody told me to start pushing. I worked really hard on the pushing for 40 minutes. Everyone could see the baby's head, but it just wouldn't come out. As a matter of fact, I worked so hard on it that I started vomiting like a fountain. Oxygen was applied to me immediately. Then I saw Dr. Austin gave me two snippets with a pair of scissors. My heart sank and I felt so desperate. Being cut was one of the worst memories from the first labor.

Before I knew it, the nurse put the baby on my chest and he felt so slimy. Arnold witnessed the whole process but didn't show too much interest in his brother at all. Biajee was holding him all the time so he didn't get any pictures of the new baby last night.

I was shivering with cold and starving afterwards, but I wanted to try nursing first. To our surprise, Arthur wouldn't latch on at all. Finally I gave up and had Biajee put him in the basket and the three of us started eating dinner. I couldn't fit anything down because of the pain.

Arthur slept in the nursery last night. He was fed Enfamil formula at 10 pm, 1 am and 5 am. Then I nursed him this morning around 8:30. He started to learn how to suck in the end. Dr. Cavannaugh just took him away for circumcision. She said they'd be back in 30 minutes and she'll put a ring on Arthur's pennis, which will fall off in about a week. We cannot give him a tub bath till both the ring and the cord fall off. Sponge bath only for the newborn.

Dr. Austin finally prescribed me some Ibuprofen and Tylenol with Codin to replace the pain killer I had been taking. I was feeling dizzy, sick and upside down all the time. The contraction is still there and then there are the sewn wounds. "Contraction is good," Dr. A said, "If you don't have contraction, you'll be bleeding a lot."

We have a new life in our family now, who is pink, ugly and all wrinkled up.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We got up at 5:00 am. Arrived at the hospital at 6:30 am. Doctor came at 8:10 am. He put the gel in me at 8:30 am. I had to lie down for an hour. Room number is 257. At 9:30 am, I was allowed to get up and go to the restroom. Then I was asked to walk for an hour. My water broke at 10:30 am.

I had asked for epidural as soon as I got in and I hope I'll get it soon. I'm contracting, but it's not nearly as painful as last labor. I would rate it a 5 on a 1 to 10 scale, with 10 being the highest. Dr. Austin will be back to see me around 12:30 pm. Of course, if I made leaping progress, he would be here in 20 seconds.

I just got the walking epidural. It's a new thing. Basically, patients who got that medicine could still walk around, drink water and go to the rest room. If the pain gets worse later, I can always switch to the normal epidural. I think the pain is under control now. I'm feeling very light headed and dizzy.

My dilation this morning was 2 cm and it is still 2 cm. We'll decide what to do when Dr. Austin comes in to see me in 30 minutes. At the moment, I'm going to take a nap.

Monday, January 26, 2009





明天一早就要去引产了,很有要英勇就义的感觉. 当务之急是选好几本书,万一引得很慢就可以多读些书了。每天下午四点钟电视里还有肥皂剧,Biajee上班时从来无法陪我看,这两天总算可以一起看肥皂剧了。今晨下了大雪,气压降低了,也许孩子会主动出来?气压的变化有可能导致生产。我很怕引产不成功导致剖腹,坚决不要剖腹产,宁死不当亡国奴。


Friday, January 23, 2009

Phone Call

My previous boss in Staples called me yesterday afternoon trying to have me go into the company to train some people on the database I built next Monday. Obviously I am not a Staples employee and they're not a not-for-profit organization so I cannot do it for free. I believe the company retained the talents to rebuild anything from scratch and will not need my service in future. My full time job is to find another full time job at the moment. Anything that takes time away from that needs to be commissioned.

I didn't sleep well last night. I'm a sensitive pregnant woman who is over due now and cannot tolerate any drastic abuse or stimulation mentioned above.

It's very likely that I can make it to 27th and be induced. Not my favorite way to go, but at least I know the baby wants to be born in the year of ox and I won't interfere it.

I successfully made my dreamed meatballs for dinner last night. The secret of tasty Lion's Heads is not to put too much meat in it.


Thursday, January 22, 2009









Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Postponed Induction

We went to see Dr. Austin today.

"So where is the baby?" He said dandily as soon as he entered the room.

"We don't know. But I'd like to cancel the induction on Friday because I need to go to a party to celebrate Chinese Luna New Year on Saturday." I told him. "What does your schedule look like next week? May we schedule an induction some time next week?"

"Well, I need to check." He ran out of the room for a while and came back. "Do you want to do it on 27th or 28th?"

"They're the same to me. We can do it on Tuesday." I looked at Biajee.

"All right. 27th at 6:30." Dr. Austin said.

"6:30 in the morning? Of course I need to be there, but you don't have to." I sighed. "You'll probably come around 8:30."

"Hey, you may deliver this weekend at 2 o'clock in the morning." He complained.

"Well, you told me you would be on call so whether I schedule an induction or not, I'll have you this weekend if I'm in labor." I said cheerfully.

"Yeah, but I'm getting old. I don't want to get up at 2 o'clock in the morning. The little room in that emergency building only has a single bed and really not too much in it. I usually go home if there is nothing...." He murmured.

"You know, if I deliver before 26th, the baby will be born in the year of rat, otherwise he'll be born in the year of ox. His Chinese zodiac sign will be totally different and he may have a different fate. It's very important." I tried to tease him. "So I won't see you before 27th, huh?"

"Ha, maybe I'll see you this Friday." He winked evily. I don't think he likes the idea of being called out at 2 am for my labor.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009









Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Day

Today is Martin Luther King Day. Even the stock market closed. It's such a big holiday, but both Biajee and I forgot about it. We sent Biajee to DMV at 7 am today to renew his driver's license. He waited there till 8 am, but nobody showed up so he had to go to work.

I drove Arnold to school and then went to see Dr. Fox, my chiropractor.

"No baby yet." This is my greeting every day when I see someone I know. "But my husband said my hip bones had opened. Can you tell?"

"Your hip bones do feel different," He replied after examining me. "I'd be shocked if you made through next week."

Well, we'll have to wait and see. I certainly hope I can make my hair appointment tomorrow. Then I'll see Dr. Austin on Wednesday to decide whether I'll go for induction this Friday. Chances are I may cancel it, but if the baby chooses to come, we can't stop him.


Friday, January 16, 2009







Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oil Change

I took the Civic for oil change today. The dealer found out 3 problems:

1) Wiper blades may need to change
2) Engine oil gasket leak - $200 to fix (2 hours work)
3) Bush arm leak - over $600 to fix (4 hours work)

We need to make an appointment for the above service. Maybe we should do it with the next oil change. Anyway, we need to leave the car there for this.

Biajee put the new Britax car seat in the Civic last night. We found that the fabric of the car seat cover was not as good as before. We should have ordered the cheaper pink car seat cover and a different seat cover for boys separately. Then we can sell the pink car seat cover on eBay to get our money back. Why haven't I thought about this before? Who can imagine the quality of the same product going down every year?

I'm still glad we're using Britax car seat though. It's the safest car seat we could find in the market. The cheaper ones in Wal-mart wouldn't work at all. I constantly worried about the baby and the car seat falling out of the window when we test used it. Fortunately I persuaded Biajee to return it to Wal-mart.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009


我们给二宝贝儿买的车座今天被送到家门口了. 刚才和Biajee一起去看奥斯汀医生,子宫口还是开1.5厘米,没有任何即将临盆的感觉.幸亏没有预约到明天引产,否则会感觉像上刑场的.


我很想知道医生下下周的日程.万一我下星期不生,又不想引产,我们星期六就可以去朋友家参加派对,打牌了.不过那样的话婴儿很可能就属牛了.到底让二宝贝儿属牛还是属老鼠呢? 我们有一周的时间决定,因为下一次看医生是21日.想到我能够决定一个人的属相,不由得感到自己肩上责任重大.

奥斯汀医生说由于我是生第二胎,引产可能只需要生第一胎一半的时间,也就是当天就能引下来. 医生的办公室里有一个时间表,上面有受孕时间和怀胎满40周时间的算法.如果二宝贝儿是4月24日受孕的话,要到1月31日才满40周.但如果以此推断阿诺的受孕时间,并不准确.可见生孩子并不一定是满40周那天,所以任何计算都没有用. 奥斯汀医生明确地告诉我们,迄今为止也未发现是什么诱发了生产过程,反正锻炼是没有用的,所以我每天去健身也不会让孩子早点出来.



Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I took Arnold to the dentist today. It was his first dental visit, which was referred to as happy visit. He got his teeth polished and cleaned and sat on the funny chair. The hygenist gave him a Tiger toothbrush and several toys as gifts. Dr. Keene even came out and looked at his teeth.

"Thank you for bringing him in." Dr. Keene said. "We need to get them used to the dental office environment as early as possible so that when they have cavities and other issues, they wouldn't resent the place."

The visit was totally free. I tried to schedule an appointment for Biajee, but they were all fully booked till Jan. 26th. I don't think Biajee can go to the dentist on Jan. 26th because I'll either be resting in bed with the new baby or will be in the delivery room.

Right after I got home, I found a letter from court in the mail. It asked me to pay a fine of $37.50 and assess one point on my driver's license so that I don't have to go to court on February 17th. Oh Thank YOU GOD! I believe there is a GOD and some justice.

It was totally my fault to have made that illegal U Turn, but I don't deserve to go to court for it with a 2 week old baby. I'll drive extra carefully from now on. In fact, I'll try to stay home and not operate a vehicle at all.


Monday, January 12, 2009







Friday, January 09, 2009

No School in Spring

I tried to sign up for an online course in CU Denver during the spring semester, but the class was already closed out with 11 people on wait list. A lot of people have lost their jobs and come back to school. I'll have to wait for the summer semester. I can start to register for classes on March 6th for summer. I guess I'll hop on line then and secure a spot for me for all the classes I can take between May and August.

I had lunch with my previous boss today. He was asleep at home when I arrived at the restaurant so I had to call him out to meet me. He is playing basketball 3 times a week now. Apart from not having a job, he is really doing great in every aspect. He is also looking to go back to school for his Master of Accounting degree.

The unemployment rate has climbed up to around 8% and it's only getting worse as the year progresses. Fortunately I don't have an urge to go back to work any time soon so I can enjoy the time off and binding with the babies in this economic recession. I'm pretty confident that our lives will be a lot better if we survive 2009. We should live happily every day because we have the privilege to be alive.


Thursday, January 08, 2009







Wednesday, January 07, 2009


I went lap swimming this morning for an hour, in hope that it'll help the baby come out faster. It'd been so long since I seriously did lap swimming. During the first 15 minutes, I was losing my breath and was thinking I couldn't make it any more. But it gradually got better. I think it's a great way to kill my time before labor.

I told our cleaner not to come till March. Basically we'll cut the cleaning to once a month instead of every two weeks. With the economy this way, everyone has to have some type of budget cut.

Today is Biajee's birthday. We're going to Sushi Tora tonight to celebrate. We've discovered that the Japanese Uni was really delicious. The only problem is that it's $6.50/piece. No question the Japanese people are so skinny. One bite of Uni would worth 4 McDonald's cheeseburgers plus a large fountain drink.

I'm seeing the eye doctor and the OB today. Hopefully I'm more dilated than a week ago. Dr. A might suggest me schedule an inducement again. I may choose a date in the year of cow.

Monday, January 05, 2009





