
Wednesday, April 30, 2008



成龙是功夫和戏剧的结合体,所以我比较喜欢他的电影。李连杰的功夫还不错,就是明显比以前老了。刘亦菲的妆画得太难看了,用Biajee的话说,就是一个烫伤妆,显得人很黑,像个村姑。她还是演清纯小姑娘比较好。 故事情节很好,不过大多数老美都看不动,因为他们对美猴王的故事简直一无所知,所以永远理解不了为什么一根毫毛能变成一个人。有时候我认为这种电影还是讲中文用英文字幕比较好,象“卧虎藏龙”,还是很有卖点的。




Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Today is my birthday. I'm getting older and wiser.

My friend Judy offered to give me a birthday gift of free baby-sitting so that Biajee and I can sneak out to celebrate. Originally we planned to go out for dinner, but now we really want to watch Jackie Chan's new movie: The Forbidden Kingdom.

I'll confirm with Judy that she's definitely coming to our house tonight, then Biajee can buy movie tickets on line. Hopefully everything is seamlessly planned and I can watch Jackie Chan in theater today. That'll leave us no time for dinner at all. We'll just have popcorns in the theater and come back home for salad and noodles. I'll still go to the gym after work because I don't want to be older and fatter.

Everything else has been really quiet today. There is more bad news in the housing market and the retail industry. Buffet had said that the recession was worse than everyone thought.

I checked PhD Comics this morning. It's Cecilia's birthday as well. Great minds are born on the same day.


Monday, April 28, 2008


我们公司现在有哭胖,可以用在Foot Locker, Lady Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, FootAction, 和Champs Sports。30% off. 不过只能在5月1日到3日用。Biajee觉得我们只能去奥马哈用了。




今天来上班的时候发现我上一个老板为了我的生日装饰了我的办公桌,还送了我一个生日礼物。大概她以前对我太不好了,问心有愧吧。 我们全体星期三去红龙虾吃午饭,庆祝我和劳拉的生日。可是我们俩都是明天生的。

亚洲来的弗兰克建议我换一把小而无扶手的椅子,对我的腰会比较好。 那种又贵又大的椅子只适合胖老美坐。我的正骨医生也很赞成。

Friday, April 25, 2008

Battery Free Optical Wireless Mouse

I got a new battery free optical wireless mouse from our Aurora sample room last week while having a meeting there. It's made by A4Tech, a small company in Taiwan. It is one of the most comfortable mice I've ever used. I even let Biajee touch it for a while, then I told him that it was my mouse.

The mouse comes with a mouse pad, which has to be connected to the computer through a USB port. I think it's a cool technology and it'll sell very well in the US. Biajee biked to Safeway with Arnold to pick up some organic milk and eggs last night while I was having the conference call training of SAP with our Hong Kong office.

We picked up maps to Nebraska, Las Vegas and Grand Canyon during lunch today. There are still a lot of cool places in Colorado that we haven't had a chance to explore. We'll be quite busy this summer dragging Arnold to different areas in the state.

In the mean time, we're watching the pitiful scene of the stock market, currency market and the commodities market. The commodity market is so depressing now that Biajee quoted the comments of some traders the other day, "We sleep like babies. We wake up every 2 hours and cry."


Thursday, April 24, 2008







Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Arnold has developed the habit of playing in our bed before he goes to sleep every night. He would demand a professional full body massage every day from me. I have massage oil for him and everything is just as the luxury treatment one would get in a spa.

I found the bed spread with sand after I undressed him last night. I wondered how he hid all the sand with him all night long. There were no pockets on his clothes. It appeared that Biajee hadn't changed his diaper for over 3 hours since he picked up Arnold from day care.

We were shocked as we took down Arnold's diaper. His butt and genital area were wrapped with sand and there was sand in his diaper as well.

"How did he get into this condition?" I asked Biajee. "You need to ask the teacher. I don't see how that's possible if someone hadn't intentionally thrown him into sand naked."

Of course Biajee will forget. He seldom remembers things lately.

Monday, April 21, 2008







我的笔记本电脑的一个USB口不工作了. 上周五向IT寻求帮助,至今杳无音信。

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I had a fever last night. I've been uncomfortable for a few days. I haven't been to the gym for 3 days. I should stop by today and get some exercise.

Biajee finished installing the tow cart on the bicycle right before I finished cooking dinner last night. He'll take Arnold for a bike ride today. It's going to be 77 degrees this afternoon, perfect weather for bike riding with a toddler.

We have seen too many sub prime involvement by the banks lately that it doesn't even affect the stock market negatively any more. Just as what was commented yesterday, "It's like kicking a dead horse."

The only major bank that wasn't affected so far is Wells Fargo. I've read some comments of their CEO last year. He was saying that they studied really carefully before letting their customers borrow money. If they thought the customer couldn't afford the loan, they wouldn't agree to lend money to them. It's amazing that they're the only bank who does business this way.

Monday, April 14, 2008








Friday, April 04, 2008


My company has decided to release Q1 sales and earnings results pre-market open on April 8th, 2008. It is very rare, but it appears that they need to persuade the shareholders to ignore the Staples offer.

We found out that we need to maintain our house now. It's five years old and we need to basically check all the seals and caulk everything where there are cracks. Good maintenance can help a house appreciate value.

My friend Susan has decided that she would come to Greece with me in May to help handle my mother's remains. She already ticketed her itinerary while I'm still waiting for United to find me a coming back seat on June 7th. The mileage with United is really not that easy to use. The customer service is horrible. You don't get to speak to a real person after you deal with the machine for 15 minutes. There is ticket in either economy or business class from June 6 to June 12.

I may book the coming back on June 5th first and see whether the cemetery can finish their work on time.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


从前有一个8岁的小男孩,他最喜欢打橄榄球。有一次比赛中,他在阻挡对手时,未用标准姿势,而是以头撞击对方,导致当场受伤,被送至医院。医生给他敷了冰袋,开了止痛药,又休息了一段时间,症状便消失了。此后每年,小男孩都会受一两次伤。。。 直到12岁那年,在一场大比赛中,他犯了和4年前同样的错误。此次伤势非常严重,医院的专家会诊并看过X光片之后,确认男孩的脊柱严重走形,需要扎12根钢钉固定度过余生。




Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fool

Today is April Fool's Day. I haven't fooled anyone yet, but have a weird feeling that I may be fooled at some point.

Our data warehouse is constantly down throughout the day. I tried to change my password, but obviously you cannot change your password when the data warehouse is down. I don't know what value I could add to this whole thing except to go home early and back up my files.

Staples just got $3 billion in finance to acquire my company. Well, it just tells us that they have the cash required. I'm sure we'll hear more about it by May 13th, the date they choose to file this merger to Dutch Financial Market.

I signed up to see a chiropractor for treatment for 24 times. The X ray shows that my left hip is higher than my right hip and my neck is too straight. Weird that I couldn't tell any of these by looking straight into the mirror. Hopefully I can be corrected in 90 days.