Lucky Week
This week is my luckiest week.
We had a training class of The Art of War (孙子兵法)yesterday. At the end of the class, all students were asked to vote for the person who contributed most to the class. The winner will win 2 books, a Best Buy Gift Card, a Starbucks Gift Card and an iPod.
I happened to win the most votes in the classroom and was able to pack the iPod home to Biajee. He was simply thrilled.
Today we had a lucky draw for airline tickets because our company signed up with Andavo. I won 2 domestic Southwest Airline tickets with a travel document holder. Biajee and I could use it to take a short trip somewhere that Southwest goes to. We should plan for that.
"You should buy a lotto ticket." My coworker told me.
"Nah, I may have a car accident if I do that." I winked back.