We registered for our baby shower in BabiesRus. In America, baby shower is a complete girlish thing. Usually the best friend of the would-be-mom will host a party at her house and invite the expecting lady's female friends over a month before the due date. Each guest is supposed to bring a gift for the baby. I attended some of these ceremonies before and was not impressed at all. It looks like an excuse to ask for presents from all of your friends, which to me, a deep-rooted Chinese lady, is quite disgraceful.
However, everyone else seems to be much more excited about the fetus in my belly than I am. People kept asking me when the baby shower will be and whether they may come to it. I feel embarrassed not to let Jeanne throw the party. Finally there is a list of 13 familes/friends made up and we have to rush to BabiesRus for registry. Not like we're expecting people to give us all these goodies, but we need to make a list ourselves on what we need to have before the big change in our life takes place.
I started to get all the baby stuff from my friends since before I got pregnant. We have 2 infant car seats, 3 baby strollers, a crib, an electric swing, a bassinet, a music mobile, a play den, a walker and tons of baby clothes in the house already. I can't believe most of the expensive things are already taken care of. I keep telling all my dear friends please don't feel obiged to come to the shower and please don't feel obliged to bring a gift if they come because I'm not an American. I take the baby shower as a good chance to get together with friends again before Junior is legal entity.
However, they keep spoiling me and this baby.
"Pei, we still have more things to give you. Next time you're over our house, please take as much as you can. And don't forget to tell us where and when the baby shower is."
"Oh please, you can just bring that baby bouncer to the baby shower. Don't buy anything for me..."
"No, no, no. The bouncer is used. We're supposed to get new things for you at the Baby Shower."
And so on.
Biajee is more keen than I am to go shopping in BabiesRus because he doesn't have to carry the baby around. I still think we have plenty of opportunity to spend money on this little guy after he at least learns how to appreciate it.
Meanwhile, we keep debating about names while going through the famous book of 50,001 Baby Names. It's the best thing to do when there is heavy snow outdoors and temperature is only 28 F.